News — Pre-Order
Transformers Generations Selects Shattered Glass Optimus Prime and Ratchet 2-Pack - Exclusive
Pre-Order Shattered Glass Transformers War for Cybertron

Available for Pre-Order Now - Transformers Generations Selects Shattered Glass Optimus Prime and Ratchet 2-Pack - Exclusive Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who are the evilest Autobots of all? This Transformers Generations Selects Shattered Glass Optimus Prime and Ratchet 2-Pack - Exclusive brings two heroes at their worst. From an alternate version of Cybertron, these vile and sadistic warriors battle heroic Decepticons in a twisted version of the fight we've been monitoring from Earth. The purple Optimus Prime transforms into a truck and can pummel Decepticons and even his own men, while Ratchet is here - supposedly -...